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Affordable Excellence in IT Training & Education

At Insta Dot Analytics, we believe that quality IT education should be accessible to everyone. That's why we offer competitive pricing plans designed to fit your budget without compromising on excellence. Our transparent pricing ensures you know exactly what you're investing in, with no hidden fees.


  • 3 - 5 Company
  • Trainer Support
  • Job Groups
  • Saturday Session
  • Access to Job Group


  • 5 - 7 Company
  • Saturday Session
  • Job Groups
  • InstaDot Analytics Certification
  • HR + Trainer Support
  • Internship
  • Live Projects
  • Job Assistance
  • Experience & Traning Certification


  • Unlimited Company
  • Saturday Session + Expert Conversation
  • Live Projects
  • Internships
  • Job Groups
  • IDA + Global Certificates
  • 45 Days Placement Session
  • Resume + Trainer + HR + Expert Assistence